Physician Assistant
Taxonomy Code363A00000X

Learn more about provider taxonomy code 363A00000X

More about Physician Assistant providers

The Physician Assistant specialty is generally very female-friendly with a large majority (66%) of providers reporting as female compared to only 33% reporting as male. People living in New York, California, Texas, Florida, and Pennsylvania enjoy living in one of the 5 most popular states/territories where Physician Assistant providers practice. In all, there are 92,927 registered Physician Assistant providers in the United States with over 7,780 of those located in New York alone while around 6,968 chose to practice in California.
Physician Assistant providers have been assigned the 363A00000X taxonomy code in the NPI registry, which is a Level II Classification. Click here for more information about medical specialty types.

Overall, Physician Assistant specialists practice in 56 different states/territories and can be categorized into 2 different Physician Assistant sub-specialties: Medical (Physician Assistant), and Surgical (Physician Assistant).

Physician Assistant

What are Physician Assistant providers?

Find Physician Assistant providers in your state
A physician assistant is a person who has successfully completed an accredited education program for physician assistant, is licensed by the state and is practicing within the scope of that license. Physician assistants are formally trained to perform many of the routine, time-consuming tasks a physician can do. In some states, they may prescribe medications. They take medical histories, perform physical exams, order lab tests and x-rays, and give inoculations. Most states require that they work under the supervision of a physician.

Sub-specialities and taxonomies related to Physician Assistant (363A00000X)

Top 50 Physician Assistant (363A00000X) providers