Neuromuscular Medicine providers as a group are made up primarily of business entities and/or provider groups. Generally, the Neuromuscular Medicine specialty is fairly evenly split between males and females with 52% of providers reporting their gender as male and 47% reporting as female. People living in Florida, California, New York, New Jersey, and Texas enjoy living in one of the 5 most popular states/territories where Neuromuscular Medicine providers practice. In all, there are 244 registered Neuromuscular Medicine providers in the United States with over 39 of those located in Florida alone while around 27 chose to practice in California.
Neuromuscular Medicine providers have been assigned the 2081N0008X taxonomy code in the NPI registry, which is a Level III Area of Specialization. Click here for more information about medical specialty types.
Overall, Neuromuscular Medicine specialists practice in 42 different states/territories.
A physician who specializes in neuromuscular medicine possesses specialized knowledge in the science, clinical evaluation and management of these disorders. This encompasses the knowledge of the pathology, diagnosis and treatment of these disorders at a level that is significantly beyond the training and knowledge expected of a general neurologist, child neurologist or physiatrist.