The Marriage & Family Therapist specialty is generally very female-friendly with a large majority (78%) of providers reporting as female compared to only 21% reporting as male. People living in California, Texas, Florida, New York, and North Carolina enjoy living in one of the 5 most popular states/territories where Marriage & Family Therapist providers practice. In all, there are 67,543 registered Marriage & Family Therapist providers in the United States with over 25,271 of those located in California alone while around 2,994 chose to practice in Texas.
Marriage & Family Therapist providers have been assigned the 106H00000X taxonomy code in the NPI registry, which is a Level II Classification. Click here for more information about medical specialty types.
Overall, Marriage & Family Therapist specialists practice in 55 different states/territories.
A marriage and family therapist is a person with a master's degree in marriage and family therapy, or a master's or doctoral degree in a related mental health field with substantially equivalent coursework in marriage and family therapy, who receives supervised clinical experience, or a person who meets the state requirements to practice as a marriage and family therapist. A marriage and family therapist treats mental and emotional disorders within the context of marriage and family systems. A marriage and family therapist provides mental health and counseling services to individuals, couples, families, and groups.