Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies
Taxonomy Code332B00000X

Learn more about provider taxonomy code 332B00000X

More about Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies providers

Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies providers as a group are made up primarily of business entities and/or provider groups. Generally, the Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies specialty is fairly evenly split between males and females with 60% of providers reporting their gender as male and 39% reporting as female. People living in Texas, Florida, California, New York, and Pennsylvania enjoy living in one of the 5 most popular states/territories where Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies providers practice. In all, there are 90,628 registered Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies providers in the United States with over 7,556 of those located in Texas alone while around 7,045 chose to practice in Florida.
Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies providers have been assigned the 332B00000X taxonomy code in the NPI registry, which is a Level II Classification. Click here for more information about medical specialty types.

Overall, Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies specialists practice in 58 different states/territories and can be categorized into 5 different Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies sub-specialties: Customized Equipment, Dialysis Equipment & Supplies, Nursing Facility Supplies, Oxygen Equipment & Supplies, and Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition.

Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies

What are Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies providers?

Find Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies providers in your state
A supplier of medical equipment such as respirators, wheelchairs, home dialysis systems, or monitoring systems, that are prescribed by a physician for a patient?s use in the home and that are usable for an extended period of time.

Sub-specialities and taxonomies related to Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies (332B00000X)

Top 50 Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies (332B00000X) providers