Mrs. Ronni Ayala
NPI #1467891895

Nurse Practitioner located in Seneca, SC

298 Memorial Dr
Seneca, SC 29672-9443
(864) 885-7654


Mrs. Ronni Ayala is a female Nurse Practitioner (taxonomy code 363L00000X) located in Seneca, South Carolina. Mrs. Ronni Ayala's NPI Number is #1467891895 and has been listed in the NPI registry for 11 years. Mrs. Ronni Ayala's practice location is listed as: 298 Memorial Dr Seneca, SC 29672-9443 and can be reached via phone at (864) 885-7654.

Contact Information

NPI Number
Not provided

298 Memorial Dr
Seneca, SC 29672-9443


Business Information

Is Sub-Organization?
Not Available
Parent Organization Name
Not Applicable

About This listing

Last Updated
6/19/2013 11 years ago
Date Added
6/19/2013 11 years ago
Viewed On
10/13/2024 just now

Nurse Practitioner Taxonomy Info

The taxonomy code for Mrs. Ronni Ayala's main specialty, Nurse Practitioner, is 363L00000X. (1) A registered nurse provider with a graduate degree in nursing prepared for advanced practice involving independent and interdependent decision making and direct accountability for clinical judgment across the health care continuum or in a certified specialty. (2) A registered nurse who has completed additional training beyond basic nursing education and who provides primary health care services in accordance with state nurse practice laws or statutes. Tasks performed by nurse practitioners vary with practice requirements mandated by geographic, political, economic, and social factors. Nurse practitioner specialists include, but are not limited to, family nurse practitioners, gerontological nurse practitioners, pediatric nurse practitioners, obstetric-gynecologic nurse practitioners, and school nurse practitioners.

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