Illinois Evergreen Park Internal Medicine Dr. Sreekanth Uppuluri Information

Dr. Sreekanth Uppuluri
NPI #1881951630

Internal Medicine Doctor located in Evergreen Park, IL

2800 W 95Th St
Evergreen Park, IL 60805-2701
(708) 229-4960


Dr. Sreekanth Uppuluri is a male Internal Medicine Doctor (taxonomy code 207R00000X) located in Evergreen Park, Illinois. Dr. Sreekanth Uppuluri's NPI Number is #1881951630 and has been listed in the NPI registry for 12 years. Dr. Sreekanth Uppuluri's practice location is listed as: 2800 W 95Th St Evergreen Park, IL 60805-2701 and can be reached via phone at (708) 229-4960.

Contact Information

NPI Number
Not Available
Not provided

2800 W 95Th St
Evergreen Park, IL 60805-2701


Business Information

Is Sub-Organization?
Not Available
Parent Organization Name
Not Applicable

About This listing

Last Updated
9/15/2016 8 years ago
Date Added
4/18/2012 12 years ago
Viewed On
10/13/2024 just now

Internal Medicine Taxonomy Info

The taxonomy code for Dr. Sreekanth Uppuluri's main specialty, Internal Medicine, is 207R00000X. A physician who provides long-term, comprehensive care in the office and the hospital, managing both common and complex illness of adolescents, adults and the elderly. Internists are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, infections and diseases affecting the heart, blood, kidneys, joints and digestive, respiratory and vascular systems. They are also trained in the essentials of primary care internal medicine, which incorporates an understanding of disease prevention, wellness, substance abuse, mental health and effective treatment of common problems of the eyes, ears, skin, nervous system and reproductive organs.

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