Mr. Darren Rose is a male Athletic Trainer provider (taxonomy code 2255A2300X) located in Greenfield, Wisconsin. Mr. Darren Rose's NPI Number is #1316339187 and has been listed in the NPI registry for 10 years. Mr. Darren Rose's practice location is listed as: 5720 S 40Th St Greenfield, WI 53221-3910 and can be reached via phone at (414) 350-0061.
The taxonomy code for Mr. Darren Rose's main specialty, Athletic Trainer, is 2255A2300X.
Athletic trainers are allied health care professionals who work in consultation with or under the direction of physicians, and specialize in the prevention, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries and illnesses. Currently, the entry-level employment requirements are a bachelor?s degree with a major in athletic training from an accredited university or college. A majority of athletic trainers hold advanced degrees. National board certification is generally required as a condition of state licensure and employment. Most states regulate athletic trainers, and they practice within the scope of that license or regulation. Clinical practice includes emergency care, rehabilitation, reconditioning, therapeutic exercise, wellness programs, exercise physiology, kinesiology, biomechanics, nutrition, psychology and health care administration.
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