New York New York Anesthesiology Centre Street Office-Based Surgery, Pllc Information

Centre Street Office-Based Surgery, Pllc
NPI #1710291463

Anesthesiologist located in New York, NY

139 Centre St
Suite 609
New York, NY 10013-4408
(917) 541-3225


Centre Street Office-Based Surgery, Pllc is a Anesthesiologist (taxonomy code 207L00000X) located in New York, New York. Centre Street Office-Based Surgery, Pllc's NPI Number is #1710291463 and has been listed in the NPI registry for 15 years. Centre Street Office-Based Surgery, Pllc's practice location is listed as: 139 Centre St Suite 609 New York, NY 10013-4408 and can be reached via phone at (917) 541-3225.

Contact Information

NPI Number
Not Available
Not provided

139 Centre St
Suite 609
New York, NY 10013-4408


Business Information

Not Available
Is Sub-Organization?
Parent Organization Name
Not Applicable

About This listing

Last Updated
8/4/2010 14 years ago
Date Added
8/4/2010 14 years ago
Viewed On
2/8/2025 just now

Anesthesiology Taxonomy Info

The taxonomy code for Centre Street Office-Based Surgery, Pllc's main specialty, Anesthesiology, is 207L00000X. An anesthesiologist is trained to provide pain relief and maintenance, or restoration, of a stable condition during and immediately following an operation or an obstetric or diagnostic procedure. The anesthesiologist assesses the risk of the patient undergoing surgery and optimizes the patient's condition prior to, during and after surgery. In addition to these management responsibilities, the anesthesiologist provides medical management and consultation in pain management and critical care medicine. Anesthesiologists diagnose and treat acute, long-standing and cancer pain problems; diagnose and treat patients with critical illnesses or severe injuries; direct resuscitation in the care of patients with cardiac or respiratory emergencies, including the need for artificial ventilation; and supervise post-anesthesia recovery.

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